The ZAZL Coffee Company Contact us today and fill your cup! Bean there? it is fine. Order from Canada, Europe and Asia, pick your coffee choices and your roasting preferences. We will roast and ship your beans by your choice post or FedEx or the Brown Guys. PayPal, checks and online transitions are OK, do note we will only roast and ship your order after payment submission.Best regards, The Coffee Bean, Blends Coffee Roasters and ZAZL Coffee Roasters ©...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
Bean There? The Coffee Bean ©
We all know Coffee, the Master roasted beans of the coffee plant? Coffee or Coffea. The word "coffee" may have been derived from the Ethiopian "keffa" or the Turkish equivalent found in their word for coffea the word "qahveh." The Arabs still call the beverage "qahwa," meaning "strength."
Brioche Coffee Cake Recipe
* 1 cup scalded very fresh milk
* 4 egg yolks
* 3 whole eggs
* 2/3 cup (salted or un-salted)butter
* ½ cup quality sugar
* 2 yeast cakes or packages
* ½ teaspoon extract lemon and/or
* 2 crushed cardamon seeds
* 4 2/3 cups flour
* 1 cup scalded very fresh milk
* 4 egg yolks
* 3 whole eggs
* 2/3 cup (salted or un-salted)butter
* ½ cup quality sugar
* 2 yeast cakes or packages
* ½ teaspoon extract lemon and/or
* 2 crushed cardamon seeds
* 4 2/3 cups flour
To prepare this Brioche Coffee Cake Recipe, first cool the scalded milk; when lukewarm, add yeast, and when it is dissolved add remaining ingredients, and beat thoroughly with hand ten minutes; let rise six hours.
Keep in ice-box over night; in morning turn on floured board, roll in long rectangular piece one-fourth inch thick; spread with softened butter, fold from sides toward centre to make three layers. Cut off pieces three-fourths inch wide; cover and let rise.
Take each piece separately in hands and twist in opposite directions, coiling ends together at top of cake.
Let rise in pans and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven; cool and brush top with confectioners' sugar, moistened with boiling water to glaze, and flavored with vanilla.
To prepare this Brioche Coffee Cake Recipe, first cool the scalded milk; when lukewarm, add yeast, and when it is dissolved add remaining ingredients, and beat thoroughly with hand ten minutes; let rise six hours.
Keep in ice-box over night; in morning turn on floured board, roll in long rectangular piece one-fourth inch thick; spread with softened butter, fold from sides toward centre to make three layers. Cut off pieces three-fourths inch wide; cover and let rise.
Take each piece separately in hands and twist in opposite directions, coiling ends together at top of cake.
Let rise in pans and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven; cool and brush top with confectioners' sugar, moistened with boiling water to glaze, and flavored with vanilla.
The Coffee Bean ©

Per Pound *Wholesale Retail
*$8.00 $10.00
Ethiopian coffees are distinctive; magnificent- wine like, fruit under-tones, acidy with a "wild" exotic taste. We select Djimah coffees, which are thick-bodied and highly acidic with earthy wild gamey flavors and a singular taste that is defined by your roasting specifications.
* Location: Kaffa; South Western Ethiopia.
* Altitude: 1500-1800 meters.
* Quality: Exclusively Arabica, Unwashed Grade 5 Usual Good Quality, fair to light acidity, good heavy body, strong original flavor.
* More information about green beans: ripe cherries are hand picked one by one, preparation; sun-drying, machine-cleaning, hand-picking, electronic sorting.
Ethiopia Long Berry Harrar
*$8.00 $13.00
One of the world's most prized coffee, Harrar has a medium to light acidity. Full body with typical mocha flavor with a winey aftertaste, of the two varieties, *short-berry and long-berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harrar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green.
*altitude of origin: 5000 - 7000 ft.
Fill Your Cup! Bean there!
* Location: Kaffa; South Western Ethiopia.
* Altitude: 1500-1800 meters.
* Quality: Exclusively Arabica, Unwashed Grade 5 Usual Good Quality, fair to light acidity, good heavy body, strong original flavor.
* More information about green beans: ripe cherries are hand picked one by one, preparation; sun-drying, machine-cleaning, hand-picking, electronic sorting.
Ethiopia Long Berry Harrar
*$8.00 $13.00
One of the world's most prized coffee, Harrar has a medium to light acidity. Full body with typical mocha flavor with a winey aftertaste, of the two varieties, *short-berry and long-berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harrar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green.
*altitude of origin: 5000 - 7000 ft.
Fill Your Cup! Bean there!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Canadian Stockbroker © | TCS newswire; Calgary, alberta, Canada; Reishi Coffea
In ancient times, only wild Reishi was available. Reishi was classified by color into 6 types:
Red, Green, White, Black, Yellow and Purple.
Red, Green, White, Black, Yellow and Purple.
In 1972, researchers at Kyoto University in Japan successfully cultivated Reishi in the laboratory. From a single species, Ganoderma Lucidum (Red Reishi), all six colors could be grown by varying the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide content, and the available nutrients. The six types of Reishi are thus shown to be one species.
Red, Green, White, Black, Yellow and Purple.
Wild Reishi is extremely rare. Only one or two mushrooms can be found on a hill. Due to damage by insects and weather, the quality of wild Reishi is unpredictable. Only the fruit body can be harvested, when the active ingredients have already decreased. The dried mushrooms may not have the potency of the fresh mushroom.
When buying wild Reishi, expertise is required in order not to confuse Reishi with the hundreds of other mushrooms (some of which are poisonous). After it matures, the fruit body is hardened by fibers which make it more difficult to extract and digest the active ingredients. The spores are of microscopic dimensions, similar to the size of bacteria. They are protected by two layers of hardened cell walls. These cell walls trap the active ingredients inside and are indigestible.
Although wild Reishi fruit body and the spores are all effective products, our ancestors had to use a large quantity of Reishi to get a little benefit. As it was impossible to cultivate, this rare mushroom was available only to emperors.
Modern bio-engineering technology has made Reishi available to the general public in large quantities. The quality can be carefully controlled by providing the best conditions and sufficient nutrients. The largest amount of active ingredients exists in the mycelium, and that the mycelium is more digestible. The extraction process can be timed at the precise stage when the mycelium contains the largest amount of active ingredients. Fresh mycelium is available, and there is no chance for mistaken identity.
When buying wild Reishi, expertise is required in order not to confuse Reishi with the hundreds of other mushrooms (some of which are poisonous). After it matures, the fruit body is hardened by fibers which make it more difficult to extract and digest the active ingredients. The spores are of microscopic dimensions, similar to the size of bacteria. They are protected by two layers of hardened cell walls. These cell walls trap the active ingredients inside and are indigestible.
Although wild Reishi fruit body and the spores are all effective products, our ancestors had to use a large quantity of Reishi to get a little benefit. As it was impossible to cultivate, this rare mushroom was available only to emperors.
Modern bio-engineering technology has made Reishi available to the general public in large quantities. The quality can be carefully controlled by providing the best conditions and sufficient nutrients. The largest amount of active ingredients exists in the mycelium, and that the mycelium is more digestible. The extraction process can be timed at the precise stage when the mycelium contains the largest amount of active ingredients. Fresh mycelium is available, and there is no chance for mistaken identity.
The Canadian Stockbroker ©
The Canadian Stockbroker © is a leading provider of dissemination solutions for the corporate investment community, offering services transforming the way companies communicate and meet disclosure requirements while assisting investors in managing and understanding this information. TCS News Wire's world wide news consulting, webcasting, and dissemination services are utilized by corporate communications professionals delivering critical market information.
Get Your Front-End Address Today!

Best Regards
The Coffee Bean ©
Get Your Front End Address Today!
Coming Soon

Ethiopia Djimah
Per Pound
*Wholesale Retail
*$8.00 $10.00
Ethiopian coffees are distinctive; magnificent- wine like, fruit under-tones, acidy with a "wild" exotic taste. We select Djimah coffees, which are thick-bodied and highly acidic with earthy wild gamey flavors and a singular taste that is defined by your roasting specifications.
* Location: Kaffa; South Western Ethiopia.
* Altitude: 1500-1800 meters.
* Quality: Exclusively Arabica, Unwashed Grade 5 Usual Good Quality, fair to light acidity, good heavy body, strong original flavor.
* More information about green beans: ripe cherries are hand picked one by one, preparation; sun-drying, machine-cleaning, hand-picking, electronic sorting.
* Altitude: 1500-1800 meters.
* Quality: Exclusively Arabica, Unwashed Grade 5 Usual Good Quality, fair to light acidity, good heavy body, strong original flavor.
* More information about green beans: ripe cherries are hand picked one by one, preparation; sun-drying, machine-cleaning, hand-picking, electronic sorting.
Ethiopia Long Berry Harrar
*$8.00 $13.00
One of the world's most prized coffee, Harrar has a medium to light acidity. Full body with typical mocha flavor with a winey aftertaste, of the two varieties,
*short-berry and long-berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harrar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green.
*altitude of origin: 5000 - 7000 ft.
*$8.00 $13.00
One of the world's most prized coffee, Harrar has a medium to light acidity. Full body with typical mocha flavor with a winey aftertaste, of the two varieties,
*short-berry and long-berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harrar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green.
*altitude of origin: 5000 - 7000 ft.
Fill Your Cup! Bean there!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 -- Archives, June 2004 -- Archives, June 2004: "June 24, 2004
Eek! Monster! Destroy the unnatural thing immediately! 'Scientists discover decaf coffee bean' (The Guardian)
Eek! Monster! Destroy the unnatural thing immediately! 'Scientists discover decaf coffee bean' (The Guardian)
We must prevent this Frankenjava wreaking environmental havoc, spreading its genetic pollution and lowering plants' natural defences against predation - global food security and the entire natural food web is at risk! Call Greenpeas, Pals of the Planet, the Toil Association, call all the defenders of pp (proper plants, i.e., ones like what we're used to) and rally them to the cause! We must prevent the spread of Frankenbeans, the sons and daughters of Frankenjava, lest the world be decaffeinated! Caffeine-free Frankenjava will require massive increases in synthetic pesticide use, endangering the environment and human health while allowing multinational Big Decaf to seize control of coffee production! Help protect impoverished, seed-saving coffee growers everywhere (not to mention usually-wired computer users) - Stop Big Decaf now!
Donations for the (yet to be formed) SPOC (Society for the Preservation Of Caffeine) will be accepted shortly (Seattle could levy a dime-a-cup on all decaf served in commercial establishments to be paid directly to SPOC to support this important action) - watch this space!
Things to do: start a consumer campaign to extract promises from coffee chains, roasters and traders to boycott mutant beans - provisionally called the 'No Frankenbeans in our cups' campaign; start catchy signature phrases - perhaps 'Frankenbeans are hasbeans!' or 'Hey, hey, ho, ho, Frankenjava's got to go!'; come up with sound bite health risks from Frankenbeans such as increased auto crashes with drivers falling asleep at the wheel, facial injuries as people collapse onto computer keyboards...
Say No! to this massive, uncontrolled experiment with the biosphere! No environmental risk assessment and no animal or human health trials have ever been conducted! Tell Big Decaf 'Stay out of our cups"
Donations for the (yet to be formed) SPOC (Society for the Preservation Of Caffeine) will be accepted shortly (Seattle could levy a dime-a-cup on all decaf served in commercial establishments to be paid directly to SPOC to support this important action) - watch this space!
Things to do: start a consumer campaign to extract promises from coffee chains, roasters and traders to boycott mutant beans - provisionally called the 'No Frankenbeans in our cups' campaign; start catchy signature phrases - perhaps 'Frankenbeans are hasbeans!' or 'Hey, hey, ho, ho, Frankenjava's got to go!'; come up with sound bite health risks from Frankenbeans such as increased auto crashes with drivers falling asleep at the wheel, facial injuries as people collapse onto computer keyboards...
Say No! to this massive, uncontrolled experiment with the biosphere! No environmental risk assessment and no animal or human health trials have ever been conducted! Tell Big Decaf 'Stay out of our cups"
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Ling Zhi or Ling Chi
Ganoderma lucidum is an ancient Chinese herb revered for many centuries for its exceptional healing properties.
Japanese call it REISHI (from the ancient goddess of health, life and eternal youth, Reishi or "Sen shi") and in China as Ling Zhi "Ling Chi" (‘Ling’ means divine gift; ‘chi’ means life force), it is also called the “Herb of Deathlessness” for its reputed ingredients that will make a person live FOREVER.
Its botanical name; Ganoderma Lucidum Gano; "Ganos" is a Greek word meaning ‘bright’, Derma means ‘skin’ and "Lucidum" means ‘shining’. Ganoderma Lucidum; Reishi; Ling Zhi or Ling Chi are all actually the name of a mushroom; a fleshy fungus of the Polyporacea family, and has the chief job of being a wood decomposer. The mushroom feeds and nourishes itself from decaying logs. It prefers to grow, in the wild – under the shade of tree branches and in the dim lighting of a mountain side.
Friday, September 23, 2005
The Coffee Bean ©
The Coffee Bean ©: Newswire: "Bean There?
Name that Coffee and Ice Cream
David D'Amour
Short Expresso mixed with Galiano and fresh coffee ice-cream.
Michael's Coffee Mint Cafe
Long white Americano mixed with mint leaf, green peppermint and coffee ice cream.
Coffee Ice Cream and Brownie Sandwich
Chocolate double fudge brownies with a filling of coffee ice cream and chocolate sauce.
Hot milk steamed with espresso and Black Gold Sambuca and a scoop of fresh coffee ice-cream.
Shane's Cafe
White short Americano mixed with Cognac and fresh coffee ice-cream.
Jumbo Ice Capuccino
With coffee ice cream and fresh whipped cream.
Bali Beach Summer Cafe
Capuccino mixed with double arak and a dash & twist of fresh orange.
Ice Coffee Ice Chocolate
With ice cream and whipped cream.
Coffee Planet Cherie
Tall thin espresso spiked Frangelico with ice cream and whipped cream.
Name that Coffee and Ice Cream
David D'Amour
Short Expresso mixed with Galiano and fresh coffee ice-cream.
Michael's Coffee Mint Cafe
Long white Americano mixed with mint leaf, green peppermint and coffee ice cream.
Coffee Ice Cream and Brownie Sandwich
Chocolate double fudge brownies with a filling of coffee ice cream and chocolate sauce.
Hot milk steamed with espresso and Black Gold Sambuca and a scoop of fresh coffee ice-cream.
Shane's Cafe
White short Americano mixed with Cognac and fresh coffee ice-cream.
Jumbo Ice Capuccino
With coffee ice cream and fresh whipped cream.
Bali Beach Summer Cafe
Capuccino mixed with double arak and a dash & twist of fresh orange.
Ice Coffee Ice Chocolate
With ice cream and whipped cream.
Coffee Planet Cherie
Tall thin espresso spiked Frangelico with ice cream and whipped cream.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
The Globe and Mail: Tremors may mean 'Big One' on its way
The Globe and Mail: Tremors may mean 'Big One' on its way: "By MARK HUME
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Posted at 6:15 AM EDT
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
* E-mail Mark Hume
* Read Bio
* Latest Columns
Vancouver — A silent tectonic event, so powerful it has shifted southern Vancouver Island out to sea, but so subtle nobody has felt a thing, is slowly unfolding on the West Coast.
Scientists who are tracking the event with sensitive seismographs and earth orbiting satellites warn it could be a trigger for a massive earthquake -- some time, maybe soon.
But they are quick to add that the imperceptible tremors emanating from deep beneath the surface are sending signals scientists are not yet able to comprehend fully and 'the Big One' might yet be 200 years off.
What they do know is that the earth is moving this week on the West Coast as two massive tectonic plates slip past each other."
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Posted at 6:15 AM EDT
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
* E-mail Mark Hume
* Read Bio
* Latest Columns
Vancouver — A silent tectonic event, so powerful it has shifted southern Vancouver Island out to sea, but so subtle nobody has felt a thing, is slowly unfolding on the West Coast.
Scientists who are tracking the event with sensitive seismographs and earth orbiting satellites warn it could be a trigger for a massive earthquake -- some time, maybe soon.
But they are quick to add that the imperceptible tremors emanating from deep beneath the surface are sending signals scientists are not yet able to comprehend fully and 'the Big One' might yet be 200 years off.
What they do know is that the earth is moving this week on the West Coast as two massive tectonic plates slip past each other."
Friday, September 16, 2005
First Associates Changes Name to Blackmont Capital: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
First Associates Changes Name to Blackmont Capital: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance: "Press Release Source: Blackmont Capital Inc.
First Associates Changes Name to Blackmont Capital
Friday September 16, 8:05 am ET
First Associates Changes Name to Blackmont Capital
Friday September 16, 8:05 am ET
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - Sept. 16, 2005) - First Associates Investments Inc. announced that the company is changing its name to Blackmont Capital Inc. effective today.
'This is an exciting time for us,' said Stuart Raftus, President and Chief Operating Officer. 'We are eager to unveil our new name and logo and look forward to the opportunity to live up to our brand promise of becoming an elite firm that attracts the best in class.'"
'This is an exciting time for us,' said Stuart Raftus, President and Chief Operating Officer. 'We are eager to unveil our new name and logo and look forward to the opportunity to live up to our brand promise of becoming an elite firm that attracts the best in class.'"
Monday, September 05, 2005
Tree of life
Tree of life: "Hand-made costumes, children's backpacks/bookbags and cushion covers (hand embroidered), lucky stars (oragami stuff)"
Friday, July 08, 2005
Coffee Bean and the best cup of coffee.
Many old beans are finding their way to your daily cup.
Fresh master roasted beans will always produce the best cup. If you do not have a coffee roaster in your area and cannot assure yourself of a good supplier, contact us and we will freely locate the closest reliable master roaster to you.

Monday, March 07, 2005
Green yemen mocca coffee
Green yemen mocca coffee
For Green Yemen(Mocha)Coffee Exporters
e major company for Yemen (Mokha Coffee) producer and exporter in Yemen and its branches in the Arab Gulf countries.
It is not unknown the Yemeni product of (Mokha Coffee) is second to none all over the world.
We are keen to deal with you as agents in your country for our product mentioned above.
By virtue of its incomparable distinct super quality, flavor and taste, Yemeni coffee will certainly find ready sale all the time and the consumers demand for the Yemeni Mocka coffee will be increasingly considerable in your markets due to its best quality not found elsewhere in the world.
You will therefore find us prepared to grant you very promising competitive prices to signify our interest in establishing business with your esteemed firm for mutual benefit.
Your rapid reply is expected with thanks.
Best Regards,
For Green Yemen(Mocha)Coffee Exporters
e major company for Yemen (Mokha Coffee) producer and exporter in Yemen and its branches in the Arab Gulf countries.
It is not unknown the Yemeni product of (Mokha Coffee) is second to none all over the world.
We are keen to deal with you as agents in your country for our product mentioned above.
By virtue of its incomparable distinct super quality, flavor and taste, Yemeni coffee will certainly find ready sale all the time and the consumers demand for the Yemeni Mocka coffee will be increasingly considerable in your markets due to its best quality not found elsewhere in the world.
You will therefore find us prepared to grant you very promising competitive prices to signify our interest in establishing business with your esteemed firm for mutual benefit.
Your rapid reply is expected with thanks.
Best Regards,
Coffee Bean newswire ; grow kits : ling chi
Grow Kits | Spore Kits | Ganoderma lucidum | Contact | Reishi | Ling Chi ... | Reishi
The Ganoderma lucidum MycoKit contains everything you need, including the source mushroom culture, to begin cultivating the highly sought after Reishi Mushroom (Ling Chi Mushroom).
The foundation of this MycoKit is the Wood Based Myco Environment Bag(TM). This Bag formula is comprised mostly of a select mix of hardwoods especially formulated for wood loving mushrooms, supplemented with wheat bran, and small amounts of vermiculite for water retention.
Each kit will include a 10cc inoculation plunger filled with Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi, Ling Chi) culture, four small Wood Based Myco Environment Bag(TM), and a thin plastic, gusseted humidity tent. The Bag is shipped with all air removed for easy packing. Each Bag contains approximately 1 pound of wet sterilized substrate.
For more information on the medicinal benifits and properties of Ganoderma lucidum please consult the link above.
The Ganoderma lucidum MycoKit contains everything you need, including the source mushroom culture, to begin cultivating the highly sought after Reishi Mushroom (Ling Chi Mushroom).
The foundation of this MycoKit is the Wood Based Myco Environment Bag(TM). This Bag formula is comprised mostly of a select mix of hardwoods especially formulated for wood loving mushrooms, supplemented with wheat bran, and small amounts of vermiculite for water retention.
Each kit will include a 10cc inoculation plunger filled with Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi, Ling Chi) culture, four small Wood Based Myco Environment Bag(TM), and a thin plastic, gusseted humidity tent. The Bag is shipped with all air removed for easy packing. Each Bag contains approximately 1 pound of wet sterilized substrate.
For more information on the medicinal benifits and properties of Ganoderma lucidum please consult the link above.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Mozilla Mosaic Project - Spread Firefox Sign Up Here
View Here Mozilla Mosaic Project - Spread Firefox
A FireFox Moment.....
Posted by DataLive on Fri, 03/04/2005 - 01:12.
When you find yourself looking upon a gross anomaly, an error within a web page while out and about the Internet. Errors in the presentation of the Internet page being viewed, one would say “how common, how tragic”. There is a “Magic Pill” slap your head and download your new FireFox browser you just lost your bean for a second and loaded the wrong browser.
∞ © 2005 Ź∞Ź
A FireFox Moment.....
Posted by DataLive on Fri, 03/04/2005 - 01:12.
When you find yourself looking upon a gross anomaly, an error within a web page while out and about the Internet. Errors in the presentation of the Internet page being viewed, one would say “how common, how tragic”. There is a “Magic Pill” slap your head and download your new FireFox browser you just lost your bean for a second and loaded the wrong browser.
∞ © 2005 Ź∞Ź
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Canada Coffee Wholesale
Canada Coffee Wholesale
Web .com
Results for canada coffee wholesale
Canada Coffee
Canada Coffee. January 2005. Sunday, January 30, 2005. Reishi Ling Zhi Ganoderma Lucidum Gano coffee ©. Sunday, January 16, 2005 ... Canada Coffee. Wholesale Coffee unbeatable prices service and freshness. Coffee, which was traditionally drunk at ...
... Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Links. Java Bean. Wholesale Coffee. Coffee Bean. Coffee Alberta ... Coffee Ice Cream. Coffee Wholesale. Coffee Distributor. Coffee Sales ...
Coffee Wholesale
Coffee Wholesale. Friday, February 11, 2005. CFIE - News - Media Advisory - CFIE Symposium: Are we committed to venture capital financing in Canada and Quebec?
Espresso Machines by Supramatic Super Automatic from Schaerer, Saeco, Jura, Solis, Capresso, Gaggia Espaniola
Super automatic espresso machines by Schaerer, Jura, Saeco, Solis, Krups, and Capresso ... stop resource directory for Coffee and Specialty Coffee matters. ... Dispensing coffee, espresso, cappuccino and latte by the touch of ... 2004 SupraMatic Inc. - Canada. All Rights Reserved ...
Coffee Bean Green Wholesale
We sell ONLY fresh Fair Trade Coffee, Fair Trade Coffee Gift Baskets, Fair trade coffee and tea gift baskets and ... .com. ... Canada. Beanissimo Coffee Roasters - Green and roasted beans in retail or wholesale quantities ... of americas best kenya coffee, wholesale prs on kenya coffee beans, the ...
Category: roasters. coffee roaster. ... coffee roaster. Wholesale coffee roastesr Java Estate of NC is your ... Mountain Roasters, Alberta, Canada, is a coffee importer, roaster and distributor to wholesale and retail outlets ...
Espresso Machines and Coffee Makers by Jura, Krups, Saeco, Gaggia - Toronto Canada
Espresso Machines by Jura, Capresso, Gaggia Espanola, Krups, Saeco, Solis and Schaerer. Coffee related merchandise. Coffee Beans and Grinders . Milk Foamers and Frothers. ... line shopping resource for all your coffee and espresso needs ... commercial or home use Coffee Machines and Espresso Makers ...
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Wholesale Coffee
Wholesale Coffee. Links. January 2005. Sunday, January 30, 2005. Reishi Ling Zhi Ganoderma Lucidum Gano coffee ©. Sunday, January 16, 2005 ... Java Bean. Wholesale Coffee. Coffee Bean. Coffee Alberta. Coffee Quebec. Coffee Ontario ... of cups of coffee consumed per capita in Canada in 1997, 77 ...
Seattle's Best Coffee :: Canada :: Distributed by Snowbean Coffee Co.
Snowbean President and Founder, Jay Garnett, wins 2001 top executive award. Seattle's Best Coffee ® Canada. Distributed by Snowbean Coffee Company - A licensed franchisee and wholesale distributor of Seattle's Best Coffee. ... visiting our Web site. Snowbean Coffee Company has been selected by Seattle's ... leading brand of coffee in Canada through a variety of retail, wholesale, and office coffee programs. ...
Open Directory - Shopping: Food: Beverages: Coffee and Tea: Coffee
... to US and Canada. Beanissimo Coffee Roasters - Green and roasted beans in retail or wholesale quantities ... Includes coffee recipes. Gourmet Coffee Wholesale - Coffee from 14 of the ...
Coffee Retail Calgary Canada
Coffee Retail Calgary Canada. Legend has it that Kaldi found his goats eating the bright red berries from the dark leaved little shrub. The goats began jumping, rolling and bouncing.
Retail Coffee Canada
... Retail Coffee Canada. Coffee Retail ; Calgary Alberta Canada ; TCS newswireThe actual discovery of coffee is vague ... Coffee IceCream. Coffee Calgary. Coffee Wholesale. Coffee Distributor ...
Ottawa Coffee Wholesale
Ottawa Coffee Wholesale : Business information from FindItInCanada. ... Ottawa Coffee Wholesale. Go up to: Food Wholesalers ... (613)590-7836. Shaza Canada. 2450 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, ON K1B5N3 ...
Rebecca Rocks Calgary Alberta Canada
Rebecca Rocks Calgary Alberta Canada. Links. Alberta Media. Archives ... Coffee Ice Cream. Coffee Wholesale. Coffee Distributor. Coffee Sales. Coffee Cafe ... Titan Calgary. Titan Canada. Digital Ink Blog ...
Web .com
Results for canada coffee wholesale
Canada Coffee
Canada Coffee. January 2005. Sunday, January 30, 2005. Reishi Ling Zhi Ganoderma Lucidum Gano coffee ©. Sunday, January 16, 2005 ... Canada Coffee. Wholesale Coffee unbeatable prices service and freshness. Coffee, which was traditionally drunk at ...
... Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Links. Java Bean. Wholesale Coffee. Coffee Bean. Coffee Alberta ... Coffee Ice Cream. Coffee Wholesale. Coffee Distributor. Coffee Sales ...
Coffee Wholesale
Coffee Wholesale. Friday, February 11, 2005. CFIE - News - Media Advisory - CFIE Symposium: Are we committed to venture capital financing in Canada and Quebec?
Espresso Machines by Supramatic Super Automatic from Schaerer, Saeco, Jura, Solis, Capresso, Gaggia Espaniola
Super automatic espresso machines by Schaerer, Jura, Saeco, Solis, Krups, and Capresso ... stop resource directory for Coffee and Specialty Coffee matters. ... Dispensing coffee, espresso, cappuccino and latte by the touch of ... 2004 SupraMatic Inc. - Canada. All Rights Reserved ...
Coffee Bean Green Wholesale
We sell ONLY fresh Fair Trade Coffee, Fair Trade Coffee Gift Baskets, Fair trade coffee and tea gift baskets and ... .com. ... Canada. Beanissimo Coffee Roasters - Green and roasted beans in retail or wholesale quantities ... of americas best kenya coffee, wholesale prs on kenya coffee beans, the ...
Category: roasters. coffee roaster. ... coffee roaster. Wholesale coffee roastesr Java Estate of NC is your ... Mountain Roasters, Alberta, Canada, is a coffee importer, roaster and distributor to wholesale and retail outlets ...
Espresso Machines and Coffee Makers by Jura, Krups, Saeco, Gaggia - Toronto Canada
Espresso Machines by Jura, Capresso, Gaggia Espanola, Krups, Saeco, Solis and Schaerer. Coffee related merchandise. Coffee Beans and Grinders . Milk Foamers and Frothers. ... line shopping resource for all your coffee and espresso needs ... commercial or home use Coffee Machines and Espresso Makers ...
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Wholesale Coffee
Wholesale Coffee. Links. January 2005. Sunday, January 30, 2005. Reishi Ling Zhi Ganoderma Lucidum Gano coffee ©. Sunday, January 16, 2005 ... Java Bean. Wholesale Coffee. Coffee Bean. Coffee Alberta. Coffee Quebec. Coffee Ontario ... of cups of coffee consumed per capita in Canada in 1997, 77 ...
Seattle's Best Coffee :: Canada :: Distributed by Snowbean Coffee Co.
Snowbean President and Founder, Jay Garnett, wins 2001 top executive award. Seattle's Best Coffee ® Canada. Distributed by Snowbean Coffee Company - A licensed franchisee and wholesale distributor of Seattle's Best Coffee. ... visiting our Web site. Snowbean Coffee Company has been selected by Seattle's ... leading brand of coffee in Canada through a variety of retail, wholesale, and office coffee programs. ...
Open Directory - Shopping: Food: Beverages: Coffee and Tea: Coffee
... to US and Canada. Beanissimo Coffee Roasters - Green and roasted beans in retail or wholesale quantities ... Includes coffee recipes. Gourmet Coffee Wholesale - Coffee from 14 of the ...
Coffee Retail Calgary Canada
Coffee Retail Calgary Canada. Legend has it that Kaldi found his goats eating the bright red berries from the dark leaved little shrub. The goats began jumping, rolling and bouncing.
Retail Coffee Canada
... Retail Coffee Canada. Coffee Retail ; Calgary Alberta Canada ; TCS newswireThe actual discovery of coffee is vague ... Coffee IceCream. Coffee Calgary. Coffee Wholesale. Coffee Distributor ...
Ottawa Coffee Wholesale
Ottawa Coffee Wholesale : Business information from FindItInCanada. ... Ottawa Coffee Wholesale. Go up to: Food Wholesalers ... (613)590-7836. Shaza Canada. 2450 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, ON K1B5N3 ...
Rebecca Rocks Calgary Alberta Canada
Rebecca Rocks Calgary Alberta Canada. Links. Alberta Media. Archives ... Coffee Ice Cream. Coffee Wholesale. Coffee Distributor. Coffee Sales. Coffee Cafe ... Titan Calgary. Titan Canada. Digital Ink Blog ...
ADVFN Headlines - latest news in your browser
ADVFN Headlines - latest news in your browser: "Ancient earth drawings older than the country's Nazca lines, discovered in Peru, 30 minutes ago
LIMA, Peru (AP) - Archeologists have discovered a group of figures scraped into the hills of Peru's southern coastal desert that are believed to predate the country's famous Nazca lines.", 30 minutes ago
LIMA, Peru (AP) - Archeologists have discovered a group of figures scraped into the hills of Peru's southern coastal desert that are believed to predate the country's famous Nazca lines."
The Coffee Bean ©
Supreme Black Gold
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon stick.
- 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice.
- 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg clove.
- 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves.
- 6 tablespoons of fresh drawn butter.
- 2 cups of packed cane or natural sugar.
- 1 cup of dark rum or a tip more.
- 2 cups of hot espresso coffee or x4 strength dark coffee.
- Lots unless you insist of "fresh" whipped cream don't make me come over there.
- Grated orange and a twist for garnish.
- Reserve a little spice to garnish or mix a little extra. tip: your cup up-side down and dip it in the sauce pan; it is sweet and helps to coat the cup in spices.
- Combine spices in small sauce pan and mix in butter until bubbling and add sugar slowly to pan until bubbly. Remove from heat for a couple minutes and add half the rum Wisk gently for a second.
- Season your cup in spices one half of the rim as well, Divide the remaining rum, and top with piping hot coffee. Garnish with Lot’s of very fresh whipped cream and your orange twist. Makes 6 cups if you leave room for the whipped cream add more coffee to lighten it up a bit.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Canadian Coffee Roaster
TCS news wire ; The Coffee Bean
Supreme Black Gold
Supreme Black Gold
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon stick.
- 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice.
- 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg clove.
- 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves.
- 6 tablespoons of fresh drawn butter.
- 2 cups of packed cane or natural sugar.
- 1 cup of dark rum or a tip more.
- 2 cups of hot espresso coffee or x4 strength dark coffee.
- Lots unless you insist of "fresh" whipped cream don't make me come over there.
- Grated orange and a twist for garnish.
- Reserve a little spice to garnish or mix a little extra. tip: your cup up-side down and dip it in the sauce pan; it is sweet and helps to coat the cup in spices.
- Combine spices in small sauce pan and mix in butter until bubbling and add sugar slowly to pan until bubbly. Remove from heat for a couple minutes and add half the rum Wisk gently for a second.
- Season your cup in spices one half of the rim as well, Divide the remaining rum, and top with piping hot coffee. Garnish with Lot’s of very fresh whipped cream and your orange twist. Makes 6 cups if you leave room for the whipped cream add more coffee to lighten it up a bit.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
How to Save the World
How to Save the World: "# Identify the vulnerabilities: Fragility, overconcentration, ignorance, arrogance, lack of diversity, centralization, lack of redundancy, popular disgust, anxiety, dissatisfaction or apprehension, ill-preparedness, lack of agility, overcomplexity (left hand doesn't know what the right is doing), lack of imagination and creativity, etc."
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Coffee Quebec ; tcs newswire; the coffee bean ; Macchiato
Macchiato Is a shot of espresso with a dollop of steamed milk on top to seal in the volitile aroma of freshly made coffee. have a cuppa today!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
TCS newswire ; the Coffee Bean ; Swiss Water Decaffeinated Zabaglione

Swiss Water Decaffeinated Zabaglione
4 egg yolks.
1/4 cup granulated sugar.
1/8 teaspoon salt.
1/4 cup dry 10 year Marsala wine.
3/4 cup 4x fresh roasted Swiss Water Decaffeinated espresso style coffee at room temperature.
wisk lifting the egg yolks, sugar, and salt untill a creamy pale yellow. Slowly stir in wine. Cook over a double boiler or a gas flame "if your good" and wisk till mixture becomes a thick moosey foam.
Be careful or you will make scambled eggs, cook just till mixture thickens and just starts to stay put when lifted with the wisk. Fold in Swiss Water coffee gently, you have the option to fold in all or leave it marbled.
Spoon Gently into 4 parfait glasses. Serve with longer ice-cream style spoon. Give it a shake of cocoa or fine grind coffee and garnish with Swiss Water Decaffeinated beans.
the Matter Of the Fact © 2005 Ź∞Ź
Google Watch ; And then there were four
Google is one of about four search engines that matter. There are many more than four engines, but only about four have the technology to crawl much of the web on a regular basis. As of July 2003, Yahoo owned Overture, Alltheweb, AltaVista, and Inktomi, and finally dumped Google in February 2004. Everything needed to turn Yahoo into a major search engine is under Yahoo's roof.
It is still possible that Yahoo will shoot themselves in
Monday, February 07, 2005
Coffee Bean: Calgary Alberta Canada ; TCS :
Coffee beans were chewed raw for centuries in Ethiopia and Yemen. An excavation in the Ethiopian highlands where coffee grows wild indicates human gatherers have been eating coffee berries over a hundred thousand years. The fleshy pulp surrounding the coffee bean in Ethiopian coffee has higher sugar content. Being sweet, being nutritious with seeds, nuts and berries generally eaten by humans some speculate for over a million years.
Ugandans were noticed chewing dried coffee beans when the first explorers from Europe were searching for the origins of the Nile River. Green coffee beans were ground up and mixed with fat to macerate, then made into small balls, which were eaten by travelers on long journeys. Some say this is the first trail mix where is the raisins.
Stories in the Southern Arabian Peninsula known as Yemen where Europeans first found the coffee plant cultivated seem to support the "coffee bean" being traded as early as 800 BC. Facts and many stories support trade between Yemen and Ethiopia during this time. Knowing that eating the coffee berry reacts on people and animals, it would be logical that those early traders attempted to trade for this item. Additionally, evidence does not support the coffee plant growing wild in Yemen but demonstrate it must have grown under cultivation instead.
No specific historic event is remembered causing coffee export to Southern Arabia but Ethiopia did invaded Southern Arabia in 525 AD. Some speculated that coffee could have been introduced to the Arabians at this time. Many historians say coffee may have been introduced into Arabia by slave traders who raided Africa in early1000 BC.
Snippets which strongly supporting theories that coffee spread very early in the civilized world trade are coffee's affect on the Arabian people's culture, agriculture, Trade practices and old Arabic stories.
Ugandans were noticed chewing dried coffee beans when the first explorers from Europe were searching for the origins of the Nile River. Green coffee beans were ground up and mixed with fat to macerate, then made into small balls, which were eaten by travelers on long journeys. Some say this is the first trail mix where is the raisins.
Stories in the Southern Arabian Peninsula known as Yemen where Europeans first found the coffee plant cultivated seem to support the "coffee bean" being traded as early as 800 BC. Facts and many stories support trade between Yemen and Ethiopia during this time. Knowing that eating the coffee berry reacts on people and animals, it would be logical that those early traders attempted to trade for this item. Additionally, evidence does not support the coffee plant growing wild in Yemen but demonstrate it must have grown under cultivation instead.
No specific historic event is remembered causing coffee export to Southern Arabia but Ethiopia did invaded Southern Arabia in 525 AD. Some speculated that coffee could have been introduced to the Arabians at this time. Many historians say coffee may have been introduced into Arabia by slave traders who raided Africa in early1000 BC.
Snippets which strongly supporting theories that coffee spread very early in the civilized world trade are coffee's affect on the Arabian people's culture, agriculture, Trade practices and old Arabic stories.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Bean There?
Name that Coffee and Ice Cream
Name that Coffee and Ice Cream
David D'Amour
Short Expresso mixed with Galiano and fresh coffee ice-cream.
Michael's Coffee Mint Cafe
Long white Americano mixed with mint leaf, green peppermint and coffee ice cream.
Coffee Ice Cream and Brownie Sandwich
Chocolate double fudge brownies with a filling of coffee ice cream and chocolate sauce.
Maximum Ciato
Hot milk steamed with espresso and Black Gold Sambuca and a scoop of fresh coffee ice-cream.
Shane's Cafe
White short Americano mixed with Cognac and fresh coffee ice-cream.
Jumbo Ice Capuccino
With coffee ice cream and fresh whipped cream.
Bali Beach Summer Cafe
Capuccino mixed with double arak and a dash & twist of fresh orange.
Ice Coffee Ice Chocolate
With ice cream and whipped cream.
Coffee Planet Cherie
Tall thin espresso spiked Frangelico with ice cream and whipped cream.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Naming coffee by the way it is roasted is quite common. Although there is a scientific side to roasting coffee, there is also a story side. bean roast.
Like drinking one type of coffee, there are whole ethnicities which went from cradle to grave drinking one type of roast. Many of these coffee names reflect the country which this roast was prevalent; French roast, American roast, and Italian roast, Java roast. As people started to get individualized, cities started to name roasts; City roast (New York), Atlanta roast, Viennese roast, and New Orleans roast. Cities in other countries started doing the same thing.
Roasting is simply a matter of slow cooking the coffee bean. As the coffee bean roasts, like everything else which is cooked, there is a chemical reaction. The characters of the various coffee beans change. The longer the coffee has bean is cooked (ha), the more the chemicals change the character. This chemical reaction creates the various different 600 plus compounds which change the quality and taste.
The degree of roast and the roast name, simple describe how much the bean is roasted. As the bean roasts, it turns brown. Obviously, the darker the coffee bean gets the longer it was roasting. However, roasting the coffee bean isn't a simple mater of sticking it in a device and roasting it. The coffee bean actually roasts differently if roasted at two different temperatures until the color is the same. The bean goes from endothermic to exothermic during the roasting process. Endothermic means heat absorbing and exothermic meaning heat producing. The coffee bean actually creates its own heat by chemical reaction similar to that of “heat of hydration’ during cement curing or as detergent does if you hold it wet.
Depending upon the reaction desired, the coffee roasting creates the "essence of the coffee bean." The essence of the coffee bean is seen as the coffee oils. Later, coffee oils became coffeeol. These are oils however, they also are water soluble. Regulating the roasting procedure produces more or less of the coffee oil for a given coffee bean. Additionally, the chemical process makes the coffee bean brittle. When the coffee bean becomes brittle it is easier to grind.
As coffee roasting became popular, Kings would dictate exactly to what degree and color the coffee bean would be roasted. Try coffee fit for a King today
As coffee roasting became popular, Kings would dictate exactly to what degree and color the coffee bean would be roasted. Try coffee fit for a King today Contact
Like drinking one type of coffee, there are whole ethnicities which went from cradle to grave drinking one type of roast. Many of these coffee names reflect the country which this roast was prevalent; French roast, American roast, and Italian roast, Java roast. As people started to get individualized, cities started to name roasts; City roast (New York), Atlanta roast, Viennese roast, and New Orleans roast. Cities in other countries started doing the same thing.
Roasting is simply a matter of slow cooking the coffee bean. As the coffee bean roasts, like everything else which is cooked, there is a chemical reaction. The characters of the various coffee beans change. The longer the coffee has bean is cooked (ha), the more the chemicals change the character. This chemical reaction creates the various different 600 plus compounds which change the quality and taste.
The degree of roast and the roast name, simple describe how much the bean is roasted. As the bean roasts, it turns brown. Obviously, the darker the coffee bean gets the longer it was roasting. However, roasting the coffee bean isn't a simple mater of sticking it in a device and roasting it. The coffee bean actually roasts differently if roasted at two different temperatures until the color is the same. The bean goes from endothermic to exothermic during the roasting process. Endothermic means heat absorbing and exothermic meaning heat producing. The coffee bean actually creates its own heat by chemical reaction similar to that of “heat of hydration’ during cement curing or as detergent does if you hold it wet.
Depending upon the reaction desired, the coffee roasting creates the "essence of the coffee bean." The essence of the coffee bean is seen as the coffee oils. Later, coffee oils became coffeeol. These are oils however, they also are water soluble. Regulating the roasting procedure produces more or less of the coffee oil for a given coffee bean. Additionally, the chemical process makes the coffee bean brittle. When the coffee bean becomes brittle it is easier to grind.
As coffee roasting became popular, Kings would dictate exactly to what degree and color the coffee bean would be roasted. Try coffee fit for a King today
As coffee roasting became popular, Kings would dictate exactly to what degree and color the coffee bean would be roasted. Try coffee fit for a King today Contact
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Java Bean ©
Java Bean
Get ready members! SYGG is our new pick for this week. E-Bay contract completed! Hold your horses back! A media Blitz for SYGG. (MASSIVE EXPOSURE, you know what that means....) RADAR TIME.
Synergetic Technologies Inc., (OTC: SYGG) Retains TVA Productions to Develop and Launch a National and International Media Blitz Campaign
TVA has designed a professional media blitz program which will center on TV, print, radio, and the internet. TVA has entered into a written contract which guarantees a minimum of 22,000 editorial placements, 100,000 eBroadcasts, 2,000 Internet Video Streams, all generating an estimated 43,000,000 viewer impressions. The program includes a 90 second narrated Video News Release, followed by up to 13 minutes of B-Roll and Sound Bites, distributed via satellite and Beta Broadcast Masters for inclusion on national and local news programs and talk shows. Also included is a 2 - 8 minute segment designed for national TV newsmagazines such as "Business World News," "Entertainment World News," numerous Consumer periodicals and "BTV - Business Television." The program also includes radio content prepared to target radio audiences, such as a 30-60 second Radio News release, which is professionally recorded and distributed in script form and on CD to 6,600 radio stations for use on regular news, music and talk shows. (Partial clip, go read the whole release by going to yahoo or any financial news site now. It's important)
ABOUT TVA PRODUCTIONS. (In our opinion this is pretty serious) TVA Productions, located in Studio City, California, has a 16 year history of providing cost efficient, in-depth and effective media packages for Fortune 500 companies, national brands, major advertising agencies, emerging companies and newly launched products. TVA's list of past and present clients is impressive and includes Lexus, Sony, Textron, Vivendi Universal, Westinghouse, Ogilvy and Hill & Knowlton. TVA team members are among the best in the world and boast over 40 Golden Mike, Addy, Emmy, Clio, Telly and Aegis awards.
Look at some of the highly impressive recent news releases. Make sure you read them now.
Synergetic Technologies Inc., (OTC: SYGG) Signs Multi-Million Dollar Contract With Australian Distributor for the South Pacific Rim
Synergetic Technologies Inc. Chosen by eBay, Inc. to Provide Surveillance Systems for Utah Corporate Offices
Franchisee of Nations 4th Largest Pizza Chain of 2,800 Stores Selects Synergetic Technologies for Surveillance Systems, Initial System Roll-Out Complete
Synergetic Technologies Inc., Projects $10,000,000 in Revenues for 2005
If you are wondering how important SYGG's technology really is, we think this will explain it best, The strength of the technology was realized when it provided video surveillance of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for the Secret Service. The Secret Service was able to monitor the President from remote locations during the opening and closing ceremonies of 2002 Winter Olympic games held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
We think this company is incredible.
Stock Broker
Get ready members! SYGG is our new pick for this week. E-Bay contract completed! Hold your horses back! A media Blitz for SYGG. (MASSIVE EXPOSURE, you know what that means....) RADAR TIME.
Synergetic Technologies Inc., (OTC: SYGG) Retains TVA Productions to Develop and Launch a National and International Media Blitz Campaign
TVA has designed a professional media blitz program which will center on TV, print, radio, and the internet. TVA has entered into a written contract which guarantees a minimum of 22,000 editorial placements, 100,000 eBroadcasts, 2,000 Internet Video Streams, all generating an estimated 43,000,000 viewer impressions. The program includes a 90 second narrated Video News Release, followed by up to 13 minutes of B-Roll and Sound Bites, distributed via satellite and Beta Broadcast Masters for inclusion on national and local news programs and talk shows. Also included is a 2 - 8 minute segment designed for national TV newsmagazines such as "Business World News," "Entertainment World News," numerous Consumer periodicals and "BTV - Business Television." The program also includes radio content prepared to target radio audiences, such as a 30-60 second Radio News release, which is professionally recorded and distributed in script form and on CD to 6,600 radio stations for use on regular news, music and talk shows. (Partial clip, go read the whole release by going to yahoo or any financial news site now. It's important)
ABOUT TVA PRODUCTIONS. (In our opinion this is pretty serious) TVA Productions, located in Studio City, California, has a 16 year history of providing cost efficient, in-depth and effective media packages for Fortune 500 companies, national brands, major advertising agencies, emerging companies and newly launched products. TVA's list of past and present clients is impressive and includes Lexus, Sony, Textron, Vivendi Universal, Westinghouse, Ogilvy and Hill & Knowlton. TVA team members are among the best in the world and boast over 40 Golden Mike, Addy, Emmy, Clio, Telly and Aegis awards.
Look at some of the highly impressive recent news releases. Make sure you read them now.
Synergetic Technologies Inc., (OTC: SYGG) Signs Multi-Million Dollar Contract With Australian Distributor for the South Pacific Rim
Synergetic Technologies Inc. Chosen by eBay, Inc. to Provide Surveillance Systems for Utah Corporate Offices
Franchisee of Nations 4th Largest Pizza Chain of 2,800 Stores Selects Synergetic Technologies for Surveillance Systems, Initial System Roll-Out Complete
Synergetic Technologies Inc., Projects $10,000,000 in Revenues for 2005
If you are wondering how important SYGG's technology really is, we think this will explain it best, The strength of the technology was realized when it provided video surveillance of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for the Secret Service. The Secret Service was able to monitor the President from remote locations during the opening and closing ceremonies of 2002 Winter Olympic games held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
We think this company is incredible.
Stock Broker
Monday, January 17, 2005
Coffee Bean: Calgary Alberta Canada
Coffee beans have bean eaten raw for centuries in Ethiopia and Yemen. An excavation in the Ethiopian highlands where coffee grows wild indicates human gathers have been eating coffee berries over a hundred thousand years. The fleshy pulp around the coffee bean in Ethiopian coffee has high sugar content. Being sweet, being nutritious, and seeds, nuts, grapes and berries being generally eaten by humans for over a million years sort of supports this theory.
Ugandans were noticed chewing dried coffee beans when the first explorers from Europe were searching for the origin of the Nile River. Green coffee beans were ground up and mixed with fat, then made into small balls, which were eaten by travelers on long journeys. Some say this is the first trail mix.
Stories in the Southern Arabian Peninsula known as Yemen where Europeans first found the coffee plant cultivated support the coffee bean being traded in early 800 BC. Facts support trade between Yemen and Ethiopia during this time. Knowing the coffee berries reacted when ingested by themselves, it would be logical that those early traders would attempt to trade this item. Additionally, evidence does not support the coffee plant would grow wild in Yemen but was cultivated instead. Although, it is possible that a lost larger size bird could have carried the coffee berries that far, it is not likely.
No specific historic event is involved in coffee arriving in Southern Arabia but Ethiopia did invaded Southern Arabia in 525 AD. Many speculate that coffee could have been introduced to Arabia at this time. Some historians say coffee was introduced into Arabia by slave traders who raided Africa as early as 1000 BC.
The two things that support the theory that coffee spread very early in civilized trade are coffee's affect on people and many old Arabian stories.
Ugandans were noticed chewing dried coffee beans when the first explorers from Europe were searching for the origin of the Nile River. Green coffee beans were ground up and mixed with fat, then made into small balls, which were eaten by travelers on long journeys. Some say this is the first trail mix.
Stories in the Southern Arabian Peninsula known as Yemen where Europeans first found the coffee plant cultivated support the coffee bean being traded in early 800 BC. Facts support trade between Yemen and Ethiopia during this time. Knowing the coffee berries reacted when ingested by themselves, it would be logical that those early traders would attempt to trade this item. Additionally, evidence does not support the coffee plant would grow wild in Yemen but was cultivated instead. Although, it is possible that a lost larger size bird could have carried the coffee berries that far, it is not likely.
No specific historic event is involved in coffee arriving in Southern Arabia but Ethiopia did invaded Southern Arabia in 525 AD. Many speculate that coffee could have been introduced to Arabia at this time. Some historians say coffee was introduced into Arabia by slave traders who raided Africa as early as 1000 BC.
The two things that support the theory that coffee spread very early in civilized trade are coffee's affect on people and many old Arabian stories.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Beechinor & Barton Inc.
Beechinor & Barton Inc.: "MEDIA RELATIONS "
Beechinor & Barton Inc.: "Beechinor and Barton is one of only a few shareholder / investor relations organizations which truly excels at actually providing media coverage where warranted for its clientele.
Partner Pat Beechinor merged his highly successful reporter relations firm Mercury Media Relations with B&B for that purpose.
If your business warrants media coverage, we guarantee results.
Whether its conventional newspaper, television, radio or industry trade publications, B&B possesses the most comprehensive media databases available and best yet, we do all the work.
Media Relations services include;
* Identifying your story and appropriate audience
* Creation of Media Release to be targeted to appropriate journalists
* Media call-backs, follow-up and interview scheduling
* Interview preparation and coaching prior to you meeting the press
*Also please visit our Ancillary Services area to find out more about our President's Addresses, Presentational development assistance and more."
Beechinor & Barton Inc.: "Beechinor and Barton is one of only a few shareholder / investor relations organizations which truly excels at actually providing media coverage where warranted for its clientele.
Partner Pat Beechinor merged his highly successful reporter relations firm Mercury Media Relations with B&B for that purpose.
If your business warrants media coverage, we guarantee results.
Whether its conventional newspaper, television, radio or industry trade publications, B&B possesses the most comprehensive media databases available and best yet, we do all the work.
Media Relations services include;
* Identifying your story and appropriate audience
* Creation of Media Release to be targeted to appropriate journalists
* Media call-backs, follow-up and interview scheduling
* Interview preparation and coaching prior to you meeting the press
*Also please visit our Ancillary Services area to find out more about our President's Addresses, Presentational development assistance and more."
LING ZHI Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum
LING ZHI Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum: "Red Reishi Mushroom / Ganoderma lucidum / Ling Zhi
Red Reishi Mushroom / Ganoderma lucidum / Ling Zhi: 'Red Reishi Mushroom General Information
Even though there are several different colors of Reishi mushrooms, Red Reishi is the one that is most well known and used. For over 4000 years, Red Reishi mushrooms have been most revered in traditional Chinese medicine equaling ginseng as a premier substance for the attainment of radiant health, longevity, and spiritual attainment. Traditionally, Reishi has been used as an anti-aging herb to treat many diseases and disorders. Daoist traditionalists rever this mushroom as the elixir of immortality, claiming it promotes calmness, centeredness, balance, and inner awareness and strength. Reishi contains sterols, coumarin, mannitol, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids called ganoderic acids. It is thought that ganoderic acid lowers blood pressure, LDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol), and triglyceride levels. Those triterpenoids also play an important role in lowering the risk of coronary artery disease.'"
Red Reishi Mushroom / Ganoderma lucidum / Ling Zhi: 'Red Reishi Mushroom General Information
Even though there are several different colors of Reishi mushrooms, Red Reishi is the one that is most well known and used. For over 4000 years, Red Reishi mushrooms have been most revered in traditional Chinese medicine equaling ginseng as a premier substance for the attainment of radiant health, longevity, and spiritual attainment. Traditionally, Reishi has been used as an anti-aging herb to treat many diseases and disorders. Daoist traditionalists rever this mushroom as the elixir of immortality, claiming it promotes calmness, centeredness, balance, and inner awareness and strength. Reishi contains sterols, coumarin, mannitol, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids called ganoderic acids. It is thought that ganoderic acid lowers blood pressure, LDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol), and triglyceride levels. Those triterpenoids also play an important role in lowering the risk of coronary artery disease.'"
Saturday, January 15, 2005
LING ZHI Reishi Ganodera Lucidum
LING ZHI Reishi Ganodera Lucidum: "
Reishi: Positive Cancer Treatments.
Much potential as a species of mushrooms called Ling Zhi or Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum ... and undiscovered in the West, Reishi and other mushrooms have been revered ...inhibition of tumor growth.............After my examination, I was surprised by the findings: 6 months ago, she had ...Reishi Mushroom and its health benefits. Read about how Reishi works! ... Reishi Mushroom. Reishi has been ranked highly in the traditional Chinese medicine and its use has a long history. Reishi is officialy called 'Ganoderma Lucidum' and especially ...REISHI. Ganoderma lucidium, which is known in Japan as REISHI and in China as LING ZHI has a long history of use as a medicinal and herbal supplement.
Reishi: Positive Cancer Treatments.
Much potential as a species of mushrooms called Ling Zhi or Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum ... and undiscovered in the West, Reishi and other mushrooms have been revered ...inhibition of tumor growth.............After my examination, I was surprised by the findings: 6 months ago, she had ...Reishi Mushroom and its health benefits. Read about how Reishi works! ... Reishi Mushroom. Reishi has been ranked highly in the traditional Chinese medicine and its use has a long history. Reishi is officialy called 'Ganoderma Lucidum' and especially ...REISHI. Ganoderma lucidium, which is known in Japan as REISHI and in China as LING ZHI has a long history of use as a medicinal and herbal supplement.
LING ZHI Reishi Ganodera Lucidum
Reishi is one of the greatest tonic herbs on earth
Reishi Blog for Ganoderma Lucdum Ling Zhi
Reishi mushroom can increase the production of interleukin1 and 2
Reishi mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to promote good health in the Far East."
Reishi is one of the greatest tonic herbs on earth
Reishi Blog for Ganoderma Lucdum Ling Zhi
Reishi mushroom can increase the production of interleukin1 and 2
Reishi mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to promote good health in the Far East."
Friday, January 14, 2005
Coffee Quebec
Coffee Quebec: "* 600-800 AD -- the era in which an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi reportedly discovered coffee after observing that his goats become very excited upon eating coffee berries"
Members of the Galla tribe in Ethiopia notice that they get an energy boost when they eat a certain red berry, ground up and mixed with animal fat.
1000 A.D.: Arab traders bring coffee back to their homeland from Africa and cultivate the plant for the first time on plantations. They also began to boil the beans, creating a drink they call "qahwa" (literally, that which prevents sleep).
1453: Coffee is introduced to Constantinople by Ottoman Turks. The world's first coffee shop, Kiva Han, open there in 1475. Turkish law makes it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he fails to provide her with her daily quota of coffee.
1511: Khair Beg, the corrupt governor of Mecca, tries to ban coffee for fear that its influence might foster opposition to his rule. The sultan sends word that coffee is sacred and has the governor executed.
1600: Coffee, introduced to the West by Italian traders, grabs attention in high places. In Italy, Pope Clement VIII is urged by his advisers to consider that favorite drink of the Ottoman Empire part of the infidel threat. However, he decides to "baptize" it instead, making it an acceptable Christian beverage. Cup to that!
1607: Captain John Smith helps to found the colony of Virginia at Jamestown. It's believed that he introduced coffee to North America.
1645: First coffeehouses open in Italy.
1652: First coffeehouse opens in England. Coffee houses multiply and become such popular forums for learned and not so learned - discussion that they are dubbed "penny universities" (a penny being the price of a cup of coffee).
1668: Coffee replaces beer as New York's City's favorite breakfast drink. people lose weight.
1668: Edward Lloyd's coffeehouse opens in England and is frequented by merchants and maritime insurance agents. Eventually it becomes the world famous Lloyd's of London, the best-known insurance company in the world.
1672: First coffeehouses open in Paris.
1675: The Turkish Army surrounds Vienna. Franz Georg Kolschitzky, a Viennese who had lived in Turkey, slips through the enemy lines to lead relief forces to the city. The fleeing Turks leave behind sacks of "dry black fodder" that Kolschitzky recognizes as coffee. He claims it as his reward and opens central Europe's first coffee house. He also establishes the habit of refining the brew by filtering out the grounds, sweetening it, and adding a dash of milk.
1690: With a coffee plant smuggled out of the Arab port of Mocha, the Dutch become the first to transport and cultivate coffee commercially, in Ceylon and in their East Indian colony - Java, source of the brew's nickname.
1713: The Dutch unwittingly provide Louis XIV of France with a coffee bush whose descendants will produce entire Western coffee industry when in
1723 French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu do Clieu steals a seedling and transports it to Martinique. Within 50 years and official survey records 19 million coffee trees on Martinique. Eventually, 90 percent of the world's coffee spreads from this plant.
1721: First coffee house opens in Berlin.
1727: The Brazilian coffee industry gets its start when Lieutenant colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta is sent by government to arbitrate a border dispute between the French and the Dutch colonies in Guiana. Not only does he settle the dispute, but also strikes up a secret liaison with the wife of French Guiana's governor. Although France guarded its New World coffee plantations to prevent cultivation from spreading, the lady said good-bye to Palheta with a bouquet in which she hid cuttings and fertile seeds of coffee.
1732: Johann Sevastian Bach composes his Kaffee-Kantate. Partly an ode to coffee and partly a jab at the movement in Germany to prevent women from drinking coffee (it was thought to make them sterile), the cantata includes the aria, "Ah! How sweet coffee taste! Lovelier than a thousand kisses, sweeter far than muscatel wine! I must have my coffee."
1773: The Boston Tea Party makes drinking coffee a patriotic duty in to Americans.
1775: Prussia's Frederick the Great tries to block inports of green coffee, as Prussia's wealth is drained. Public outcry changes his mind.
1886: Former wholesale grocer Joel Cheek names his popular coffee blend "Maxwell House," after the Maxwell hotel in Nashville, TN where it's served.
1900's: In Germany, the afternoon coffee break becomes a standard occasion. The derogatory term "KaffeeKlatsch" is coined to describe women's gossip at these affairs. This term has been broadened to mean relaxed conversation in general.
1900: Hills Bros. begins packing roast coffee in vacuum packed tins, spelling the end of the ubiquitous local roasting shops and coffee mills.
1902: The first soluble "instant" coffee is invented by Japanese-American chemist Satori Kato of Chicago.
1903: German coffee importer Ludwig Roselius turn a batch of ruined coffee beans over to researchers, who perfect the process of removing caffeine from the beans without destroying the flavor. He markets it under the brand name "Sanka." Sanka is introduced to the United States in 1923.
1906: George Constant Washington, an English chemist living in Guatemala, notices a powdery condensation forming on the spout of his silver coffee carafe. After experimentation, he creates the first mass-produced instant coffee (his brand is called Red E Coffee).
1920: Prohibition goes into effect in United States. Coffee sales are boomming.
1938: Having been asked by Brazil to help find a solution to their coffee surpluses, Nestle company invents freeze-dried coffee. Nestle develops Nescafe and introduces it in Switzerland.
1940: The US imports 70 percent of the worlds coffee crop.
1942: During W.W.II, American soldiers are issued instant Maxwell House coffee in their ration packs. Back home, widespread hoarding leads to coffee rationing.
1946: In Italy, Achilles Gaggia perfects his espresso machine. Cappuccino is named for the resemblance of its color to the robes worn by the monks of the Capuchin order.
1969: One week before Woodstock the Manson Family murders coffee heiress "Abigail Folger" as she visits with friend Sharon Tate in the home of filmmaker Roman Polanski.
1992: Coffee-Roasters opens in Calgary.
1996: Coffee Roasters begins to bake all their pastries and desserts and open new stores.
2001: Planet-Coffee opens up new Coffee House, Bakery and Drive-Thru at COP.
2004: Planet-Coffee expands their wholesale coffee distribution and sales.
1453: Coffee is introduced to Constantinople by Ottoman Turks. The world's first coffee shop, Kiva Han, open there in 1475. Turkish law makes it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he fails to provide her with her daily quota of coffee.
1511: Khair Beg, the corrupt governor of Mecca, tries to ban coffee for fear that its influence might foster opposition to his rule. The sultan sends word that coffee is sacred and has the governor executed.
1600: Coffee, introduced to the West by Italian traders, grabs attention in high places. In Italy, Pope Clement VIII is urged by his advisers to consider that favorite drink of the Ottoman Empire part of the infidel threat. However, he decides to "baptize" it instead, making it an acceptable Christian beverage. Cup to that!
1607: Captain John Smith helps to found the colony of Virginia at Jamestown. It's believed that he introduced coffee to North America.
1645: First coffeehouses open in Italy.
1652: First coffeehouse opens in England. Coffee houses multiply and become such popular forums for learned and not so learned - discussion that they are dubbed "penny universities" (a penny being the price of a cup of coffee).
1668: Coffee replaces beer as New York's City's favorite breakfast drink. people lose weight.
1668: Edward Lloyd's coffeehouse opens in England and is frequented by merchants and maritime insurance agents. Eventually it becomes the world famous Lloyd's of London, the best-known insurance company in the world.
1672: First coffeehouses open in Paris.
1675: The Turkish Army surrounds Vienna. Franz Georg Kolschitzky, a Viennese who had lived in Turkey, slips through the enemy lines to lead relief forces to the city. The fleeing Turks leave behind sacks of "dry black fodder" that Kolschitzky recognizes as coffee. He claims it as his reward and opens central Europe's first coffee house. He also establishes the habit of refining the brew by filtering out the grounds, sweetening it, and adding a dash of milk.
1690: With a coffee plant smuggled out of the Arab port of Mocha, the Dutch become the first to transport and cultivate coffee commercially, in Ceylon and in their East Indian colony - Java, source of the brew's nickname.
1713: The Dutch unwittingly provide Louis XIV of France with a coffee bush whose descendants will produce entire Western coffee industry when in
1723 French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu do Clieu steals a seedling and transports it to Martinique. Within 50 years and official survey records 19 million coffee trees on Martinique. Eventually, 90 percent of the world's coffee spreads from this plant.
1721: First coffee house opens in Berlin.
1727: The Brazilian coffee industry gets its start when Lieutenant colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta is sent by government to arbitrate a border dispute between the French and the Dutch colonies in Guiana. Not only does he settle the dispute, but also strikes up a secret liaison with the wife of French Guiana's governor. Although France guarded its New World coffee plantations to prevent cultivation from spreading, the lady said good-bye to Palheta with a bouquet in which she hid cuttings and fertile seeds of coffee.
1732: Johann Sevastian Bach composes his Kaffee-Kantate. Partly an ode to coffee and partly a jab at the movement in Germany to prevent women from drinking coffee (it was thought to make them sterile), the cantata includes the aria, "Ah! How sweet coffee taste! Lovelier than a thousand kisses, sweeter far than muscatel wine! I must have my coffee."
1773: The Boston Tea Party makes drinking coffee a patriotic duty in to Americans.
1775: Prussia's Frederick the Great tries to block inports of green coffee, as Prussia's wealth is drained. Public outcry changes his mind.
1886: Former wholesale grocer Joel Cheek names his popular coffee blend "Maxwell House," after the Maxwell hotel in Nashville, TN where it's served.
1900's: In Germany, the afternoon coffee break becomes a standard occasion. The derogatory term "KaffeeKlatsch" is coined to describe women's gossip at these affairs. This term has been broadened to mean relaxed conversation in general.
1900: Hills Bros. begins packing roast coffee in vacuum packed tins, spelling the end of the ubiquitous local roasting shops and coffee mills.
1902: The first soluble "instant" coffee is invented by Japanese-American chemist Satori Kato of Chicago.
1903: German coffee importer Ludwig Roselius turn a batch of ruined coffee beans over to researchers, who perfect the process of removing caffeine from the beans without destroying the flavor. He markets it under the brand name "Sanka." Sanka is introduced to the United States in 1923.
1906: George Constant Washington, an English chemist living in Guatemala, notices a powdery condensation forming on the spout of his silver coffee carafe. After experimentation, he creates the first mass-produced instant coffee (his brand is called Red E Coffee).
1920: Prohibition goes into effect in United States. Coffee sales are boomming.
1938: Having been asked by Brazil to help find a solution to their coffee surpluses, Nestle company invents freeze-dried coffee. Nestle develops Nescafe and introduces it in Switzerland.
1940: The US imports 70 percent of the worlds coffee crop.
1942: During W.W.II, American soldiers are issued instant Maxwell House coffee in their ration packs. Back home, widespread hoarding leads to coffee rationing.
1946: In Italy, Achilles Gaggia perfects his espresso machine. Cappuccino is named for the resemblance of its color to the robes worn by the monks of the Capuchin order.
1969: One week before Woodstock the Manson Family murders coffee heiress "Abigail Folger" as she visits with friend Sharon Tate in the home of filmmaker Roman Polanski.
1992: Coffee-Roasters opens in Calgary.
1996: Coffee Roasters begins to bake all their pastries and desserts and open new stores.
2001: Planet-Coffee opens up new Coffee House, Bakery and Drive-Thru at COP.
2004: Planet-Coffee expands their wholesale coffee distribution and sales.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Wild Mushrooms and Coffee
The actual discovery of coffee is vague, however most accounts point to a quaint legend of a goatherder in the 1400's who noticed his goats acting more lively than usual. He looked over to see some of the herd chewing on bushes heavy with red berries. Curious, he plucked a few berries for himself and after chewing on them, noticed his energy increase substantially. He took the berries to a local monastery where the chief medicinal monk boiled the berries in water and produced an aromatic but bitter liquid, which when drunk acted as a stimulant and warded off drowsiness and fatigue.
To enjoy a very healthful and healing brew,
Try Ganoderma lucidum Coffee
Contact: M. Shane David
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Coffee Ice Cream
Coffee Ice Cream: "CAPPUCCINO ICE
Three(3) cups prepared espresso
hint:use 7-10 scoops of espresso in your coffee maker
One(1) cup 32% or higher cream
hint:stronger coffee and 3/4 cup of corn syrup and no cream!
Just call it Italian Ice instead.
One(1) cup sugar, more if you like, taste it!"
Three(3) cups prepared espresso
hint:use 7-10 scoops of espresso in your coffee maker
One(1) cup 32% or higher cream
hint:stronger coffee and 3/4 cup of corn syrup and no cream!
Just call it Italian Ice instead.
One(1) cup sugar, more if you like, taste it!"
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Coffee Recipes
Coffee Recipes: "Coffee Recipes
Old recipe for boiled incredible tasting coffee!
Five level tablespoonfuls of ground coffee.
The crushed shells of two eggs or half the white of one egg.
Four tablespoonfuls of cold water.
Two cups and one-half of boiling water.
Three tablespoonfuls of ice water."
Old recipe for boiled incredible tasting coffee!
Five level tablespoonfuls of ground coffee.
The crushed shells of two eggs or half the white of one egg.
Four tablespoonfuls of cold water.
Two cups and one-half of boiling water.
Three tablespoonfuls of ice water."
Coffee Icecream
Coffee Icecream: "Coffee Ice Cream
Homemade ice cream is fantastic. It's fresh and delicious, especially when it's made with your own home-roasted coffee. Ahhh. . . the perfect summer treat."
Homemade ice cream is fantastic. It's fresh and delicious, especially when it's made with your own home-roasted coffee. Ahhh. . . the perfect summer treat."
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